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Increase of Shareholding in China Yuchai International Limited - 12 Dec 18

12 December 2018 at 12:00:00 am

The Board of Directors of Hong Leong Asia Ltd. ("HLA" or the "Company") wishes to announce that Well Summit Investments Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had between 3 December 2018 and 11 December 2018, purchased in the open market an aggregate of 76,052 ordinary shares of US$0.10 each in the capital of CYI (a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange), representing approximately 0.19% of the share capital of CYI, for a total cash consideration of US$988,676.

Following the said purchase, the HLA group holds in aggregate 17,036,897 ordinary shares and one special share of US$0.10 in CYI, representing approximately 41.70% of the share capital of CYI as at 11 December 2018.

By Order of the Board

Ng Siew Ping, Jaslin
Company Secretary

12 December 2018
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